We are home from Ethiopia and had a wonderful visit with our sweet "W"! It was so sweet to meet her (again) now that she is ours. When I got there she was asleep and the nannies woke her up (poor baby) and changed her and brought her to me. They put her in my arms and she looked at me, then looked at them, then looked at me and burst into tears. It didn't take her long to calm down. I think she was startled because she had just been woken up. She loves her nannies and they all LOVE her. They are always singing her name and clapping for her and paying attention to her. They tell her she is conjo (beautiful) and gobez (strong). The payoff is her great SMILE! I think that is why they like to play with her so much. She is LIT from within....she glows.
I got to spend a few days with her, before the rest of the family arrived. Which is a good thing, because Abbey didn't want to put her down. It was so much fun for me to see them meet her for the first time. They fell in love with her. Will and Abbey were smitten. Cole is a little unsure of himself around babies, so she is going to have to work a little to win him over. I have no doubt she will! I think Bill thought she was something SPECIAL! Leaving her was very difficult, but I have so much to do to get ready for her homecoming. Will was the most upset. Poor little guy cried and cried as we drove away.
We were all well while in ET, but Abbey got sick after we got home. I think it was something she ate. She is feeling better, but stayed home today from school. I felt so bad for her. She was such a little mother hen in Ethiopia and was so sweet to all the babies in the nursery.
Our court date is MAY 25....just about 3 WEEKS away! Please put us on your prayer list, that we would pass the first time. Sometimes cases do not pass and we have to be prepared for that, but we want to get her home with us as soon as possible.
I wish I could show her photo , but for now here is her little hand and foot. She is sitting on the sofa that is on the porch of the guest house...yes there is a sofa on the porch. She is leaning over to prop herself up, still not strong enough to sit alone without that support. And she is smiling!